Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
welcomes you to ....

Camping at Stanthorpe Showgrounds
With its magnificent tree studded expanses, Stanthorpe Showgrounds offers the perfect alternative caravanning or camping experience.
Acceptable camping modes includes caravans, RVs, camper trailers, rooftop tents, etc - where the tent is attached to a vehicle or trailer. No single tents or swags.
Facilities available to Stanthorpe Showgrounds patrons include:
Large, open, shaded, grassy sites conducive to group camping.
Ample mens and ladies toilet facilities, 3 accessible.
Hot showers including, two ensuite blocks each containing three toilet/shower combination rooms.
Pets allowed (dogs must remain on leads if in public areas and you must clean up after your dog).
A dump point for showgrounds campers only is near Gate 2.
Potable water is available but we would prefer you bring enough water with you for the duration of your stay.
NOTE: Stanthorpe Showgrounds is owned and managed by the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society, a not-for-profit organisation. It is not owned or managed by the Southern Downs Regional Council.
Camping fees for itinerant camping, i.e. not associated with events, are:
unpowered site - $25.00/site/night for two people
powered site - $30.00/site/night for two people and one lead
Extra people - $10.00/person/night
Extra power - $5.00/lead
A very limited number of itinerant camping sites are available each day and these sites fill very quickly.
Please phone ahead to book in advance using the following camping booking contact details:
Phone: 0493 088 769
Email: camping@stanagsociety.com.au
Upon your arrival at Stanthorpe Showgrounds follow these instructions:
Enter via Gate 1 on High St.
Once through the gate, take the road to the right and stop outside the caretaker's cottage. Our staff will meet you and give you directions to your spot.
Please do not pick a spot without checking in at the caretaker's cottage first. Some areas are in an exclusion zone and some spots are already allocated. You do not want to be in the situation where you have to move after you have set up.
We have a lot of activities happening at the showgrounds at any one time so we will ask you to move if you are in the wrong spot.
When departing Stanthorpe Showgrounds, please follow these instructions:
Time your departure to occur before 11am.
Place all rubbish in the receptacles provided.
Please segregate cans/bottles from general rubbish and place in recycling bins provided.
You are welcome to use the dump point.
Thank you for supporting Stanthorpe Showgrounds.
Unavailable dates

Stanthorpe Showgrounds is a multi-use facility and from time to time we are hosting events that mean the showgrounds will be unavailable for itinerant camping.
For 2024 Stanthorpe Showgrounds will be unavailable for itinerant camping during the following dates:
11 to 16 September for Stanthorpe Campdraft
16 November for Stanthorpe Berry Festival
30 November for Stanthorpe Superbull event
Travelling livestock

Travelling livestock includes (but is not limited to) horses, cattle and working or show dogs (i.e. not just companion animals).
If you are transporting livestock and require overnight accommodation, you can stay at the Stanthorpe Showgrounds.
For horses we have stables, stallion boxes and warm up arenas available.
For cattle we have livestock ramps, races and yards available.
Please contact the Caretaker on 0493 088 769 to book in and indicate what containment and watering facilities you require.