Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
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2022 Grants

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society would like to thank the Queensland Government's department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport for a grant provided under the Active Gameday Projects Fund. This program aims to deliver quality and accessible places and spaces through infrastructure solutions that respond to community needs, improve accessibility and inspire activity. The fund will provide not-for-profit sport and active recreation organisations and local governments throughout Queensland with funding to support minor infrastructure projects that benefit local communities.
This funding was instrumental in completing a drainage upgrade project involving the Stockman's Arena and surrounds at Stanthorpe Showgrounds.
Past grants

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society wishes to thank the Stanthorpe RSL for their generous sponsorship of Society activities including the annual Stanthorpe Show, Stanthorpe rodeo, sheep dog trials, cookery and poultry through their 2022/2023 annual community sponsorship program

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society would like to thank the Australian Government and Southern Downs Regional Council for a grant provided under the Australian Government's Drought Communities Program. This program aims to provide financial assistance to local not-for-profit organisations that have been impacted by drought.
This funding was instrumental in progressing a drainage upgrade project involving Stockman's Arena at Stanthorpe Showgrounds.

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society wishes to thank the Stanthorpe RSL for their generous sponsorship of Society activities including the annual Stanthorpe Show, Stanthorpe rodeo and sheep dog trials through their 2021/2022 annual community sponsorship program

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society would like to thank the Queensland Government, Australian Government and Southern Downs Regional Council for a grant provided under the 2022 Local Events Funding Program Rd1. This program is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments as a component of the 2019 Queensland Bushfires Community Recovery Package under Category C of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
This program will secure and develop a strong calendar of destination events that align and respond to the strategic priority “Facilitate and develop quality products, events and experiences” in Council’s “Tourism Strategy 2017-2020” which underpins “Southern Downs Regional Council Economic Development Strategy 2017-2020”.
This funding will be used to support the 2022 Stanthorpe Agricultural Show.

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society wishes to thank the Queensland Government for their annual show grant under the 2021-2022 Show Societies Grants Program. The aim of this program is to provide financial support to the Show Societies and affiliated Organisations throughout Queensland to conduct annual agricultural shows, delivering cultural, social and economic stimulus to local communities.
Through this program the Society received $15,985 (excl. GST) and these funds are directed towards the 2022 Stanthorpe Agricultural Show.

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society wishes to thank the Commonwealth Bank (Stanthorpe branch) for their generous sponsorship of $500 towards the shearer's stove upgrade project.

The Stanthorpe Agricultural Society wishes to thank the Australian Government and the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal for a grant funded under the Future Drought Fund's Networks to Build Drought Resilience program.
The Future Drought Fund is a long-term Australian Government investment fund established under the Future Drought Fund Act 2019 and provides a sustainable source of funding to help Australian farmers and communities become more prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of drought.
The funds received through this program will see the installation of an LED sign at Stanthorpe Showgrounds. This project will support community infrastructure improvements to the Stanthorpe Showgrounds that will increase community usage of the venue to foster connectedness, improve wellbeing and increase knowledge sharing, by engaging sections of the population that are not able to access key community information in other means.

This project is supported by FRRR, through funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund.