Stanthorpe Agricultural Society
Stanthorpe Showgrounds
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Showgirl awards
Sroll down to find out all you need to know about the Qld Country Life Showgirl Awards

About the Showgirl Awards

Recognising, Developing and Celebrating Young Female Leaders in Queensland Communities
We need young female leaders across Queensland to ensure the sustainability of our communities and agricultural shows. We recognise the role young women play in sustaining the vibrancy in our communities and agricultural shows. We also understand the need to recognise and develop our young female leaders in order for them to continue to grow and give back to their communities. That’s why the tradition of the Showgirl Awards remains renewed through Queensland Ag Shows, now and into the future.
Further information can be found on the Queensland Ag. Shows website.
Stanthorpe Showgirl committee
The Queensland Country Life Showgrirl awards in Stanthorpe will be coordinated by a very capable team of young women from our community. These ladies have had a wealth of experience, not only with showgirl awards, but with running events, coordinating projects and volunteering for not-for-profit groups.

Debbie Wilmot

Pauline Leigh
Debbie will be overseeing the coordination of this program, looking after media, liaison with the Show Society and local agricultural industry contacts, and general contact for the committee.
Pauline will be coordinating speech and drama activities for the girls as well as a 2nd contact for the Show Society.

Mariel Thompson
Janine Carniel
Mariel will be coordinating the history of the showgirl program highlighting the links with the Stanthorpe Agricultural Society and Queensland Ag. Shows.
Janine will be coordinating etiquette and deportment activities for the girls, skills that will assist the young female leaders of our future.
All throughout their journey the girls will be judged on their knowledge of local, state, national and international affairs, their awareness of agriculture and community challenges, public speaking and leadership qualities. Joining this program, lead by this committee, will open up a world of opportunities in any young ladies' future.
If you are thinking that you could benefit from this program, or you know someone who would benefit from this program, please contact the committee using the details below.


Debbie Wilmot 0408 700 717
Pauline Leigh 0407 250 208